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T7 Terminator muzzle brake

T7 Terminator muzzle brakes are designed for .338 Cheytac improved to 50 BMG on barrels up to 50mm diameter.

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T7 Terminator muzzle brake Terminator NZ
Manufacturer:Terminator NZ
Price with VAT : 661,61 €
Converted with VAT:16 719,- CZK
Converted without VAT:13 817,- CZK
VAT:21 %
Availability:14 days

The T6 Terminator muzzle brakes are designed for .375 Cheytac to 50 BMG on barrels up to 50mm diameter.

All Terminator muzzle brakes have flats for a spanner and so they can easily be fitted by a Gunsmith.

Ports are 90 degrees to the ground to minimise debris disturbance.

The ports are angled back away from the shooter to minimise shooter discomfort and maximise performance.

The through hole requires opening up to 0.030″ – 0.040” over calibre size.

It is recommended the rear of the brake be tapered down to the muzzle diameter.

The standard T6 threads are 7/8 x 14, 1” x 14, M25 x 1.5

The dimensions are 50mm, 1.97” diameter, 153mm, 6” long, weight, 985-1015 grams, 34.7-35.8 oz

The 7/8 x 14 & 1” x 14 T6 has a 10.2mm through hole for .375

The M25 x 1.5 T6 has an 11.5mm through hole for .416 & require opening up to 0.030″ – 0.040 over bore size when fitted to larger calibres

The T6 Terminator Muzzle Brake next to a factory PMC 50 BMG round

The T6 Terminator Muzzle Brake next to a factory PMC 50 BMG round


The T6B Terminator muzzle brakes thread is M28 x 1.5 thread & is designed to screw straight onto the Steyr HS50 & HS50 M-1, using the factory lock nut.
The T6B has 14mm for .510, 50mm, 1.97” diameter, 153mm, 6” long, 900 grams, 31.7 oz

The Black KG Gun Koted T6B on a Steyr HS50-M1

t6b etc 025

The Black KG Gun Koted T6B on a Steyr HS50-M1

The T6AI Muzzle brakes thread is M24 x 1 DIY install straight onto AI, AW-AX 50 cal.

The T6AI has 14mm through hole for .510, 50mm diameter, 1.97”, 173mm, 6.81” long, weight, 1105 grams, 39 oz.

The Black KG Gun Koted T6AI Terminator Muzzle Brake next to a PMC 50BMG round

The Black KG Gun Koted T6AI Terminator Muzzle Brake next to a PMC 50BMG round

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